Thursday, July 12, 2012

Catching Up . . . [Part 1]

I am so sorry! I totally have been ignoring this blog and that, my friends, is definitely not polite. I have, for some unknown reason, been dreading having to post. Combine my reluctance to post with a very addicting and yet totally pointless computer game, and you have my situation.
In plain English that would be: I haven't been posting as much as I should because I haven't wanted to and because I was playing a pointless computer games. There you are. Wow! I combined four sentences into one. Impressive? Considering my limited ability and tired brain, yes.

But just because I haven't been posting doesn't mean that I haven't been having a blast! Let's see, I left you guys when I was getting ready for the backpacking trip. Well, I really enjoyed the trip and definitely realized that backpacking isn't a 5-star hotel. But I won't tell you everything that made me realize that, because I might have you in tears. =P No, instead I'm going to list about 10 things that made this backpacking trip the best ever!
1) I was in the company of some of the best dudes EVER!
2) I soaked in the gourmet cooking [especially those mashed potatoes and gravy!]
3) I got plenty of sleep.
4) I "enjoyed" the challenge of the hike.
5) I tried my patience with fishing.
6) I loved "Mountain Goating" with Matty and Josh
7) I really enjoyed making up stories with everyone else.
8) I really enjoyed jumping rocks in the middle of the lake with Josh
9) I found the long ride up there very enjoyable with my buddies
10) I also really enjoyed the scenery from the mountain

So those were the highlights that I remembered. There were many funny moments but that's about it for the back-packing trip.

Also, I'm working at the Huntington Beach Library for this summer. Emily and I are working for the Children's Reading Program on Tuesday's from 1-3pm in the Children's Department. It's so much fun getting to see the variety of people coming through there. I would highly recommend signing up to  volunteer. And if you're in the area on Tuesday from 1-3pm feel free to stop by and say hello!

Now I have been on here for long enough so I think that I shall tap out. Log out, whatever. I want to apologize again for not posting. I would tell you that I plan on posting a lot more, but I think that I'll let my actions speak for themselves.
Look forward to a post on the past week. Don't expect it too soon though. I will be gone for just about all Friday and Saturday. Have a great rest of the day, ya'll! =D


At July 12, 2012 at 4:55 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

You just realized on this trip that backpacking isn't a "five star hotel"?? =P lol Glad you had fun! ;) Wish I could have gone. =P


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