Thursday, February 2, 2012

Spelling Story 2

So, it has been quite a while since I last posted. Sorry about that. I was let's say I was busy...really busy. School, art, school, art, etc. But here I am again, so let the fun begin.
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About two days ago I had to make another spelling story. Now I posted the other spelling story I made in an earlier post, but this one is new. So it's way more cool. Maybe.

             A hot, desert terrain was stirred by a solitary figure loping across the warm sands. He was a hostile-looking creep, to be sure. His eyes were sunk deep into their sockets, creating a dark, mysterious, and evil look. Under his eyes were bags, possibly from anxiety. His lean body moved with incessant rhythm, across the sands. On his hip was an ancient-looking, old sword-nearly as old as the man himself-with a silver hilt and a bronze scabbard. Suddenly the old man stopped amid a circle of strange rocks, inspecting various rocks for something. With apparent decision, the man walked back into the middle of the circle and raising his hands, uttered a series of words so ancient and powerful that a deathly silence filled the air. The reaction that followed was nearly inexplicable. The circle of stones rose high into the air, twisting and expanding until the old man stood on the steps of an enormous fortress. Before him the dust began to swirl faster and faster. Within the individual swirls, the bodies of fearsome warriors slowly materialized, fully outfitted for battle. Before long, the legions of an immense army stood before the fortress. As if on cue, the old man began convulsing and coughing out smoke until his figure was so vague, you could hardly see him through the smoke. In a few minutes the smoke began to clear and now the old man stood - but wait! He was no longer an old man but a younger man, strong and dark, but his eyes remained a reminder of what once was. His garb was now made for war, and a cruel sword lay on his hip. His gaze swept the vast army - his vast army - and soaked in the spectacle. Already he was making plans to exterminate a nearby city in order to practice with his new-found strength. But a cry from his army brought him back to reality and a hideous reality at that. One man clothed with the purest white was walking through the vast. Unseen swords wreaked considerable destruction and havoc, before the strange man. As the man advanced even further, the last remnants of the vast army were destroyed, covering all the territory from horizon to horizon. The strange man slowly stepped up the steps to the fortress, but now the younger man recognized him as an old friend. But the younger man was fuming that his old friend had destroyed the very army that should be helping him. With a mixture of anger and confusion, the younger man drew his sword and charged, after seeing that his friend was defenseless. Time slowed. The man swung his sword in a broad arc, right through his friend. But the one who struck was the one who experienced the most hurt and pain. Gasping for breath, he collapsed onto the floor. The friend suddenly shone brighter and brighter, causing the younger man to crawl further away. The friend only glowed brighter and brighter, while the other man seemed more filthy and more weak. With sudden inspiration, he fell to his knees and pleaded for mercy. His plea hung suspended in the air for not even a moment. Mercy, even grace, was shown to him. His fortress slowly crumbled away and an instruction manual was given to him. Willing hands helped him up and put him on the right path. So after all that the younger man, whose name was Christian, faithfully walked the path. Receiving help and instruction from the manual whenever he needed.

This is quite full of spiritual application, just waiting to be revealed. I would encourage you to think about what this could be saying. Please post anything you notice about this. How does this symbolize the gospel? I would appreciate any kind of response.
I will post the applications  I see in this on Saturday morning.
Have a great day!
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Sorry about the wait. I meant to post this morning, but I woke up sick. Been resting all morning and just got up from a nap. Feeling a little better but still have a fever and a headache. 

So, I will start from the beginning. 

-when I mentioned Christian's creepy looking features, that was meant to point out that our sin affects us

-when Christian found the stones in perfect shape, that was meant to show that just because our circumstances are great, doesn't mean that it is the best option

-when the stones expanded, that was meant to point out how little sins can grow into huge fortresses that are impossible to get rid of by ourselves

-when the vast army materialized out of the dust it is showing how we place our trust in creations

-when Christian changed but his eyes remained, it was showing how we can't change our soul [eyes are windows to the soul], we can't change us, only God can truly change us. We might be able to change what is on the outside, but only God can change what is on the inside.

-when Christian "soaked in the spectacle" that was meant to show how much we make of material things, we need God to help us see that material things aren't going to help us

-when the army was destroyed, it symbolizes God's jealousy for idols

-when his destroyed army could be seen from horizon to horizon, it showed that when our trust is destroyed, the destruction is all that we can see; we don't think about why it was destroyed

-when Christian was fuming that Christ had destroyed his army, it pointed out how we blame God for things that happen to us without thinking about why they happened

-when Christian attacked Christ but felt the most pain, that symbolized how eventually we are the ones who suffer the most for lashing out at God

-when Christ glowed brighter, it showed how Christ seems more holy in light of  our sin

-when it says "Mercy, even grace, was shown to him", I see that Christian was pleading for mercy but Christ gave him both. Christ didn't give Christian what he did deserve, and He also gave Christian what he didn't deserve.

-despite Christian's attacking Christ, He willingly helped him up and even gave him a manual [the Bible] making sure that he would be with Him in eternity.

Those are my extra insights into this story. Let me know if you have any more or are curious about certain insights. I would appreciate all comments. Thank you. 

Now I'm going to go take some Tylenol - *fake gagging* - and get some rest. Have a great day everyone! =)

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At February 3, 2012 at 7:46 AM , Blogger Allison Pyle said...

Nice story David(: Well first off, the man in white is Jesus Christ. The manual is the bible. I think he thinks that his strength comes from material things, in this case an army, and that he can defeat anything. However he is later humbled and "filthy and more weak." I think at times we think we are good enough and don't need help, but we don't understand that we are nothing compared to Him. After the young man attacks his friend, Christ still helps him up, Those are some of the things that stand out to me.

At February 3, 2012 at 1:41 PM , Blogger David Miles said...

Thank you! I hadn't really thought about the part where the young man attacks Him and Christ STILL helps him up. But it is so true. I hurt him every day, and yet He still showers me with his abundant grace. It's convicting. How often do I respond like that when someone else wounds me? Thank you for that. I appreciate it. =)


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