Shadow World vs. Eternal Heaven
What importance do the material things of this world have when viewed in perspective of heaven? For me, most of the things that I have have no importance whatsoever when I think about eternally praising God and being perfectly happy. These things are just a part of the shadow world, and yes, they bring me momentary joy, but what about forever? This just really struck me the last month or so. I've been really convicted of my focus on the material things I own. God has begun to work in my heart towards this issue.
For example, I no longer am concerned if I miss a day or two of being on the computer.
But I had a great talk with Mr. Bartosch a few Sundays ago, and the subject came up of not just removing sins/hindrances, but filling in their spots with good things. I have been removing things that distract me from living for God and not myself, but I have not been replacing them with things that encourage and grow me in God. That's what I really struggle with: replacing my distractions with good things. And when I don't fill in the spot where I remove a sin, either it will come back or another will appear.
So this is what I've been mulling over in my brain, and I've made some progress in addressing some hindrances in my life. So I'm open to instruction or questions, since I'm still thinking this over. I know that I haven't posted for a month or two, hopefully I'll spike up my posting a lot more as summer draws near. I can always hope. . . =)