How did Noah fit a billion species of animals in the ark? Find out!
I hope that you guys enjoyed that. Have a great rest of the day! =D
Seeking to be a disciple of Christ, as I walk the path of His choosing.
Alright, here is the most recent blog story. Enjoy!
So yesterday, May 18, my sister turned 15. This is just a shoutout to my "older" sister!
Hey everyone! Alright, let's do this! Here is the first of my two blog stories that are complete.
So, here I am again. I am alive. Despite what you may think. And I have some legitimate reasons for why I haven't been posting recently. So here are my excuses, . . . sorry, reasons.
Okay everybody. Ultimately my hero is Jesus Christ because of what He did. But my current earthly hero would have to be Theodore Roosevelt. I first got to know him through the book "Carry a Big Stick". I would highly recommend this book. But here are some fun facts about Teddy.
So since I haven't posted in a while I'll provide you guys with some rather funny blonde jokes. I hope that you enjoy.